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Get a Library Card


A Library card is available to residents of Henderson County. You must be 18 with a valid photo ID to get your own Library card. Otherwise, a parent or legal guardian with ID would need to have a library card. Please bring your unexpired official state photo ID (Texas driver’s license, Texas ID) with your full name and current address. If the ID does not show your current address, you must present proof of address. Acceptable items for proof of address include current utility bill, lease agreement, auto insurance or bank statement. The proof of address has to have your name on it. If you don't have any of these items, we can mail you out a postcard as proof of address.


People residing outside of Henderson County may get a library card good for two years for $30. All you need is your valid Texas Driver's License or ID. Visitors cannot check out materials, but can use the Internet on computers at the Library with a guest pass. 


If you had a card and need to replace it, bring your current unexpired official state photo ID and a $3 replacement fee to get a new card.

Internet Resources


The following are links to free internet resources. Please contact the library if you have a resource that you would like to recommend.





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