Book Donations
The Library welcomes donations of new and lightly used books, DVDs, CDs, magazines, and other items (games, puzzles, flashcards). Donations that meet the needs of the Library will be cataloged and added to our collection. Other items are placed in our sale room, and proceeds benefit the Friends of the Library.
Tax receipts are available upon request.
Monetary Donations
Monetary donations help fund the purchase of new library materials, and/or pay for programming, AND are always greatly appreciated. In values under $1,000, cash and checks are accepted. Donations can be accepted at the circulation desk, or can be made out and mailed to:
Henderson County Library
121 S. Prairieville
Athens, TX 75751
Monetary donations, bequests, memorials, and gifts which are valued over $1,000 are encouraged through the Public Library Fund. This is a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization, and gifts to this entity are tax deductible. All proceeds benefit the Library.
All contributions are tax deductible, and a receipt will be provided upon request.
ONLINE DONATIONS Accepted through PayPal.

Memorials and Honor Donations
The Library is honored to accept a memorial or honor donation. This is a wonderful way to remember or acknowledge someone special. Our staff will make every attempt to fulfill specific requests for material that is appropriate to that individual. When the donation is received, an acknowledgement is sent to the donor and the family (or other designee). When the book is put into circulation, usually about 4-6 weeks, a bookplate is placed inside the book’s cover.

Michelle Zenor
Library Director
121 S. Prairieville
Athens, TX 75751
903-677-7295 Phone
903-677-7275 Fax