The purpose of the Friends of the Library is to foster a positive relationship between the Library and the community, secure volunteers, and raise funds to support the Library in order to promote reading and education.
You can now find us on Facebook!
We encourage you to become a Friend of the Library! The Library depends on your support to make things happen. Annual memberships are active January 1 through December 31 each year. All profits go toward the Library programs.
Membership levels are as follows:
Dr. Seuss - $10.00
Agatha Christie - $25.00
H.W.Longfellow - $50.00
Mark Twain - $75.00
Jane Austen - $100.00
Edgar Allen Poe - $250.00
Shakespeare - $500.00
Please make checks payable to Friends of the Library
and mail to: 121 South Prairieville, Athens, TX 75751
or, you can leave your check with one of the library staff members.
You are invited to visit our Book Sale rooms any time during regular library hours. These are located near the rear entrance to the library. Volunteers keep this room very well organized, so you can find what you are looking for very easily. Payments are received at the library front desk.
Everyone is invited to join us for our Friends of the Library meetings every 3rd Thursday of the month at 1:30 pm at the library. We always appreciate new ideas, and we hope to see more of you involved every month.
For questions regarding the Friend of The Library please contact us at
Or Sue Ellen Shaw