Public Library Fund
The Public Library Fund was established in 1971 as a 501(c) with the mission of raising funds for the Henderson County Clint W. Murchison Memorial Library. The PLF is made up of dedicated volunteers who donate their time and talents to securing library funding through organizing fundraisers, writing grants, and soliciting donations. PLF funding pays for such operational expenses as the library's website, staff development, and programming supplies. The PLF is spearheading the capital campaign for a new library facility to serve the community in the future. PLF meetings are held at 10:00 on the third Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and December.
Public Library Fund Members 2021
Beth Faulk - Chair
Amber Qualls - Vice-Chair
Erv Jenkins - Secretary
Ethan Jackson - Treasurer
Betty Boswell
Deanne Boswell
Ellen Key
Susan Sparkman
Chris Tinsley